- Go to www.nsyc.net
- Homepage…click “Community” at top of screen
- Next screen…click “Login” and view the “username and password” entry screen
- Make sure to view the entire “username and password” entry screen (TOP-TO-BOTTOM)
- Click “Lost your password?” at bottom of “username and password” screen
- Next screen…enter either Username or email address of record. Then, click “Get new Password”
- Next screen…will be username and password entry screen with a message saying, “Check your e-mail for the confirmation link.”
- Next step…login to your email account and check regular and/or spam/junk inboxes. Look for a message titled, “Word Press [North Shore Yacht Club] Password Reset”
- Within the email received, click on the link just below the following text…”To reset your password, visit the following address:”
- Next screen…enter your new password twice.
- Click the “Reset Password” button
- You are now ready to login with username and new password!